how to make money as akids 7 to 17 years old.


As a kid between the ages of 7 to 17, there are many ways you can make money. Here are some ideas:

1. Online surveys: Many websites offer paid surveys for kids. Check with your parents firsbefore signing up

2. Babysitting: If you are responsible and good with kids, babysitting can be a great way to make money. Ask family members and friends if they need a babysitter, and then expand your network from there

3. Dog walking: Many people are busy during the day and don't have time to walk their dogs. Offer to walk their dogs for them and make some money in the process.

4. Pet sitting: If you love animals, you can offer pet sitting services to your neighbors or family friends who are going out of town.
5. Yard work: Offer to do yard work for your neighbors, such as mowing lawns, raking leaves, or shoveling snow.
6. Lemonade stand: Setting up a lemonade stand in your neighborhood can be a fun and profitable way to make money during the summer months

7. Selling crafts: If you are artistic or crafty, you can sell your creations online or at local markets and fairs     

8, Car washing: Offer to wash your neighbor's car for a fee

9. Tutoring: If you are good at a particular subject, you can offer to tutor younger kids in your community.

10. House cleaning: Offer to clean your neighbor's house for a fee

        Remember to always ask your parents for permission and guidance before starting any money-making activities. Also, make sure to be responsible and professional in all your business dealings.
